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Shirley Jackson: The Lottery
Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery explores the issue of blind loyalty to tradition and cultural conformity, offering fascinating parallels to contemporary society. In Jackson’s narrative, the villagers take part in an annual lottery rite without considering its origins or purpose. This tradition continues purely because of its long history, demonstrating a societal predisposition to perpetuate norms without understanding their importance. “There’s always been a lottery,” Old Man Warner states, stressing the ritual’s unquestioning continuation without critical investigation. This idea mirrors many activities in modern culture, where people adhere to age-old customs without fully comprehending their significance. Furthermore, the story highlights the perils of collective conduct and mob mentality. The villagers, motivated by societal norms and group dynamics, commit a heinous act-stoning the chosen individual simply because it is part of their tradition. This reflects instances in contemporary culture in which people adhere to popular views or trends, even if they contradict their principles. This blind devotion to traditions is mirrored in modern culture, where people continue to practice particular rituals or conventions. For instance, the continuation of obsolete gender norms or unchallenged societal customs persists purely because of their historical existence, similar to the villagers’ acceptance of the lottery.